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International trade blog

Equatorial Guinea was the 132nd largest industry globally based on overall exports in 2020 and the 169th largest in terms of overall imports. Scrap Containers, Special Use Carriers, Various Large Metal Tubes, Transport, and Container Ships, and Poultry Products are the major imports of Equatorial Guinea, with most of them coming from Nigeria, Spain, China, the United States, and Brazil. Crude oil, gasoline, acyclic alcohols, raw wood, and veneer strips are Equatorial Guinea’s biggest exports, primarily to China, Spain, Portugal, India, and South Korea.

Equatorial Guinea has negotiated trade agreements with the United Arab Emirates, Ukraine, Spain, South Africa, Russia, Portugal, Morocco, France, Ethiopia, and China.

With UAE

In 2016, the UAE and Equatorial Guinea established international trade accords. This contract is designed to safeguard assets against non-commercial threats such as nationalization, expropriation, sequestration, and freezing. It permits the formation of investments and the licensing of such investments. The treaty confirms that revenues and other returns can be freely transferred in freely transferable cash.

The BIT between the UAE and Equatorial Guinea gives national treatment in conformity with the state’s legislation. It also provides fair, reasonable, and rapid compensation to foreign investors who have appropriated investments for the public good, in conformity with the legislation and without discrimination.

With China 

The governments of the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Equatorial Guinea signed a trade deal to make it easier for investors from one country to invest in the area of the other. According to the accord, each signatory will encourage foreign capitalists to invest in its territory and accept such contributions in conformity with its policies and guidelines.

Each contractual Party will help and offer resources for citizens of the other participating State to acquire visas and work permits to operate in the former’s country.

With South Africa 

The governments of the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Equatorial Guinea established a mutual trading relationship to make it easier for entrepreneurs from both countries to engage in the domain of the other. As per the agreement terms, each party will encourage and accept investments from the other party in its area.

To make it easier to evaluate the fiscal state and outcomes of operations linked to investments in a Party’s area, the Party must allow the acquisition to be submitted to accounting and auditing under the same standards as the investor.

According to article 4 of this agreement, each party agrees to treat interests from the other side in its jurisdiction in a manner that is not less advantageous than that given to capitalists from its nation.

With Russia 

The Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea have signed a trade agreement to make it easier for investors from one participating state to engage in the market.

According to article 2 of this agreement, each contractual party shall provide complete protection on its territory to investors from the other contracting party in line with its legislation. Moreover, each party should make every effort to make it easier for investors from the other Contracting Party to invest in its territory and accept such investments in line with its laws.

With France 

In 1982, the governments of the French Republic and the Republic of Equatorial Guinea signed a bilateral trade treaty to expand socio-economic ties between the two countries and create favorable grounds for Equatorial Guinean and French investments in each other’s countries.

According to the treaty, each contractual country shall accept and promote capital invested by citizens and firms of the Other Side in its government and maritime zones within its legislation and the requirements of this Agreement.

Investments made by citizens or firms of either contractual party in the area and maritime zones of the other participating country will be fully protected and secure, according to article 5 of this agreement.

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