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International trade blog

According to the Index of Economic Freedom published by the Heritage Foundation in 2016, Mozambique has a trade-weighted average tariff of 4.2%, which along with the country’s lengthy customs formalities, acts as a barrier to free trade. Mozambique is placed 37th out of the 48 countries that are considered to be part of Sub-Saharan Africa, and its total score is lower than the average rating for all countries on the planet. Duties can range from 0% up to 25% and be assessed against imported goods. Consumer goods are subject to a levy of twenty percent as well as a value-added tax of seventeen and a half percent when they are brought into the country.

Conditions regarding duties and permissions to import

Aside from customs duties and value-added taxes, no additional taxes are levied on imported goods other than sugar and a few select luxury items. It is the responsibility of the National Directorate of Trade, which is a department of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, to issue importer licenses. The procedure for registering is uncomplicated, and there have never been any non-tariff barriers in the way.

Certifications as well as other specific demands placed on imports and exports

All businesses involved in international trade are required to get licenses from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. At the moment, every import must go through a thorough check before being shipped out. Having credentials from a licensed veterinarian is necessary to import live animals (other than household pets). When it comes to the importation of foodstuffs and plant materials, there are sanitary and phytosanitary laws, but they are rarely enforced. Pharmaceuticals, firearms, ammunition, and explosives all require specialized import approvals and licenses to be brought into the country.

Alterations, both covered and not under the guarantee

Normal tariffs apply to the importation of spare parts for repairs. It is not possible to send items to Mozambique for temporary repair in the normal course of business.

Free zones for the industry as well as storage facilities

APIEX is the institution in charge of constructing and supervising Special Economic Zones (also known as SEZs) and Industrial Economic Zones. APIEX is a part of the Agency for the Promotion of Investment and Exports (IEZ). Investors can take advantage of financial incentives and specialized services provided by these Zones. SEZs are designed for the manufacture or transformation of goods that are meant for sale in Mozambique, whereas IEZs are primarily concerned with the manufacturing of items that are destined for export.

Trade stumbling hurdles

Mozambique does not have import quotas. There is a widespread perception that the lengthy and cumbersome customs clearance procedures form a significant non-tariff barrier. The cross-border trade ranking for Mozambique improved from 107th in the world in 2019 Doing Business Report to 94th in the world in the 2020 Doing Business Report. When compared to the norms for Southern Africa, both the costs of exporting and importing goods and the transit times are shorter in this category.

Imports that are affected by the restriction

Pornographic materials and some banned chemicals are not allowed to be imported into Mozambique, and the country has stringent controls in place to monitor the importation of drugs, firearms, and explosives. It is illegal to operate a commercial vehicle on the left-hand side of the road. In 2017, a ban was placed on the importation of chicken meat, ostensibly due to the concerns of local producers on the state of the phytosanitary environment.

Mozambique is a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), and as such, it is required by the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT Agreement) to notify the WTO of any proposed technical restrictions that have the potential to affect trade with other members of the WTO.

The process of verification, inspection, and accreditation

INNOQ can hand out certificates for ISO 9001 since it is a member of the International Standards Organization (ISO). They are the organization that is in charge of ensuring that businesses operate ethically. Laboratory testing will be permitted by INNOQ so long as they are following Mozambican regulations.