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This is a type of tax, which the government of a country imposes on imports from other countries. Though “tariff” and “duty” are often misused, import duty is the amount paid on imported goods according to the import volume. It is always an additional charge paid on the price of an imported commodity. The increase is meant to make the product costly to encourage consumers to shop in their domestic markets instead. With the current trend toward e-commerce, it is of utmost importance for business owners to be aware that import tariffs also affect their online businesses. As online business activities and companies are included when imposing import duties and taxes. In Zambia, the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) is responsible for collecting import duties and enforcing import controls. The import duty rates vary from 0 percent to 25 percent, based on the categorization of the goods. Here, importers are not required to pay charges when they import commodities such as essential medicines and educational materials. However, they are more likely to face fines, penalties, or even confiscation if they fail to pay the required duties and taxes.

If you are a business owner or importer interested in learning about import duties in Zambia, here is an article about import duties in the country and other information you need to know.

What it is

They are taxes imposed by authorized bodies when goods are brought into a country. The value of the imported goods often determines the tariffs imposed by the government. They are often confused with duties, customs fees, or import taxes. They are imposed to generate national income and protect domestic commodities from the dominance of foreign products. They are also charged to prevent foreign goods from flooding local markets.

Import duties in Zambia

In Zambia, this levy is a tax imposed by the government on goods entering the country. The rates vary according to the class of the imported goods, the value of the goods, and the country of origin. The Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) is responsible for collecting the levy and enforcing import regulations. The ZRA publishes a list of all duty rates, known as customs and excise rates. Zambian import duty rates range from 0 percent to 25 percent, depending on the classification of the goods. Importers do not have to pay for it when they import a few commodities like essential medicines, books, and educational materials. In addition to the levy, imported goods may be subject to the following taxes and fees: value-added tax (VAT), excise tax, and surcharges. These charges may vary depending on the type of goods being imported here. 

The importer must pay the required duties and taxes before the goods are cleared through customs. Failure to pay the required duties and taxes may result in fines, penalties, and confiscation of the goods. It is important to note that this country is a member of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) with a regional trade agreement known as the SADC Free Trade Area. Under this agreement, certain goods from other SADC member countries are eligible for reduced or exempted import duties.

How it is charged

In many cases, people do not know that import duties are imposed on their shipments. However, as a business owner, it is very important to inform your international customers about the taxes you will be charged. That way, if you have to pay extra for delivery, you won’t be suffocated. They can easily calculate the tax they should pay based on their country’s tax rate and add this to the price of the product they want to buy.