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This tax is charged by the government on all imports from other nations. The words “tariff” and “duty” are used interchangeably. Import duty is the amount of money paid on an imported good, based on the imported quantity. For instance, say one imports a product into a different territory, they are required to pay an additional charge on the amount. This extra charge on imported goods is meant to make these commodities more expensive so consumers can buy from the local market in their countries instead. With the current transition towards e-business, business owners in the e-Commerce world need to know that import duties affect their online businesses too. As online transactions are now being charged import duties and taxes. The amount of duty payable depends on the quantity of the products imported, the kind of products, and the source country. In Sudan, the Customs authority under the Ministry of the interior is in charge of collecting import duties and imposing import rules.

If you are an importer looking to learn about import duties here, this is an article about import duties in Sudan and other information you need to know.

What they are

They are taxes imposed by authorized bodies for goods brought into a country. The worth of the goods imported usually determines the duty taxed by the government. Import duties are often referred to as customs duties, tariffs or import taxes. They are charged to generate revenue for a state and to protect native goods against the dominance of foreign goods in the market. They are also imposed to stop the flooding of foreign goods in the local market.

Sudan is an African territory with varying import duty rates. All goods and services imported into the territory are subject to Sudanese customs regulations and duties. According to the government, the standard tariff for imports into the territory has rates of 40 per cent to 100 per cent, depending on the kind of imported goods. Aside from import duties, other taxes like VAT and Excise duty apply to certain goods imported into the territory. Although, there are some products that do not attract any of the aforementioned duties. According to the schedule by the government, a specific duty rate applies to different kinds of goods imported. However, due to changes that may occur, it is advisable to seek professional counselling from a customs broker or legal expert before importing goods into this territory.

How they are charged

They vary from country to country. Generally, they are charged as a percentage of the customs value, including insurance and shipping charges. Not everyone is aware that charges like import duties are levied on their shipment. However, as a business owner, you need to inform your international customers about this levied duty. This way, they are not shocked when they have to pay an additional charge for the goods to be cleared by customs. One can easily calculate the amount to be paid based on their country’s rate and the price of the product they wish to buy. Knowing how the levies are calculated also applies to first-time importers bringing goods into the territory. If you do not know how to calculate import duty, you may seek an expert or a business support company for better information and changes in duty rates. 

Note that it is imperative for importers to pay the levies on their goods prior to clearance at the borders. If they should fail to pay these levied duties, they are likely to face financial fines, penalties, and even confiscation of the imported goods by customs.