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Despite difficult conditions, Somalia strives to restore its financial management structures. The restoration from fragility is threatened by an unfinished legislative process and susceptibility to climate-related crises. To boost economic progress and employment generation, Somalia has several opportunities, including increased urbanization, a rise in the use of digital technology, and organized investments in industries including energy, transportation, academia, and healthcare.

The nation imports a wide range of goods from other nations, including tobacco, cars, food, and other products, to strengthen its economy. The nation can supply its market with goods from other nations when certain goods or services are unavailable, rare, expensive, or of low quality. Continue reading to find out how to bring in any foreign object for both personal and professional purposes.

Import taxes

Wrapped tobacco, raw sugar, various crops, rice, and transmission apparatus are Somalia’s major imports; they come primarily from the United Arab Emirates, China, India, Ethiopia, and Turkey. The primary imports and their taxes are displayed in Table 1.1. 

Table 1.1 

Mobile phone20%
Digital accessories20%
Health and beauty20%
Household things20%
Pet items12%

Tobacco tax 

These fees minimize tobacco use and enhance public health. The tariff raises costs and reduces the market share of low-cost cigarettes. Only tobacco is subject to import charges in Somalia. Between 2008 and 2018, there was a consistent excise duty of US$ 1.1 per 1000 cigarettes and US$ 1 per kilogram of water pipe tobacco. 

In Somalia, there is no cigarette item cost limit. Both the duty-free distribution of smoking items and the earmarking of tobacco earnings for specific expenditure goals are not prohibited.

Importing used cars

Returning citizens who have lived overseas for more than two years may import one automobile duty-free. As long as the automobile was licensed in the shipper’s title in the nation of origin, no tax is applied to such things. One motor vehicle may be imported duty- and tax-free by temporary international residents of Somalia within the first six months of their presence. Depending on the kind and country of origin of the car, importers who do not meet the aforementioned requirements may be required to pay a significant amount in customs and import duties.

Original Certificates of Registration and Possession are among the documents needed for such importation. Additionally, required are a purchase receipt and an assessment check. Last but not least, a verified copy of your passport and a police clearance document must be supplied.

Demurrage and detention tariff 

When the client keeps carrier goods at the port or outside of the dock, station, or storage after the allocated free time has passed, demurrage and detention may apply. The sum is calculated per day, per package, from the date of release until the empty return at the specified depot. Calculations are premised on calendar days. Direct billing and payment for storage are made to the port operator.

Reefers that are not in operation are assessed as DRY Non-IMO packaging. Containers that belong to the shipper are exempt from detention and demurrage. 

Depending on the quantity of DRY, the officials charge 15 to 80 USD for delays of 1 to 7 days. The customs officer may charge up to USD 100 for delays longer than 7 days.


People or organizations who want to start importing into Somalia can do so by adhering to the necessary streamlined procedures or standards established by the government. However, depending on the nature of the product, some importable commodities may be subject to specific formalities, licensing requirements, quality or packaging regulations, or other restrictions. It is necessary to have a registered firm with the appropriate licenses for the business to export and import commercial goods into and out of Somalia.

The governmental body in charge of effectively collecting goods taxes, enforcing customs laws, facilitating legal trade, and safeguarding society and lawful economic activity in Somalia is the Customs Department of the Ministry of Finance. 

In addition to the products being imported, global, regional, or unilateral trading blocs, and other trade regulations of the Somalia state are taken into consideration when determining the paperwork needed for import to Somalia to accept delivery of import cargo. For efficient import and export processes, it’s crucial to understand the proper paperwork.

The following list contains the paperwork needed to import into Somalia. 

  • Import authorization, 
  • Inspection credentials, 
  • A customs entrance document, 
  • Proof of origin, 
  • Weight certificate, 
  • An invoice, and 
  • Insurance documentation.

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