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The economy of Georgia is one of the fastest-growing in the region. With a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of over $20 billion in 2020, Georgia has seen a steady increase in economic activity over the past decade. The country has also seen a significant rise in foreign investment, with the World Bank estimating that the nation has received over $6 billion in foreign direct investment since 2011.

The economy of the country is largely driven by exports, with the country’s exports accounting for around 40% of its GDP. The role of imports in the economy of the republic is also significant. Imports account for around a third of the country’s GDP, with the majority of imports coming from the European Union and Turkey. Imports of raw materials, machinery, and consumer goods are essential for the country’s economic growth, as they help to support the production of goods and services.

Types of import duties

There are several different types of import taxes, each of which serves an important purpose. 

Sales tax

The first type of import levy is the sales toll. This tax is imposed on the purchase of goods from out-of-state vendors and is used to help fund public services and infrastructure projects. The rate of the sales levy varies depending on the type of goods being purchased. Additionally, some items may be exempt from the sales toll if they are purchased for resale or use in a business. 

Use tax

The second type of import toll is the use tax. This levy is imposed on goods that are purchased from out-of-state vendors and then used in the country. The use toll level is the same as the Georgia sales levy rate. This tax helps to ensure that businesses in Georgia are competing on a level playing field with out-of-state vendors. 

Special tax

Finally, Georgia also imposes a special tax on certain luxury items. This tax is known as the luxury toll and is used to help fund public services and infrastructure projects. The luxury tax rate is higher than the sales and uses toll rates, and it applies to items such as jewelry, boats, and cars. 

Import taxes in Georgia 

Import taxes in the nation are a necessary part of the state’s economy, providing essential revenue for the government. As such, it is important to understand the amount of taxes imposed on different items brought into the state. Fortunately, the state has a straightforward and reasonable approach to taxes. 

The amount of taxes imposed on imported items in the state is based on the item’s value. For items with a value of $1,000 or less, the state imposes a 4% levy rate. For items with a value of more than $1,000, the toll rate increases to 6%. This rate applies to both individuals and businesses. Additionally, the state does not impose any taxes on objects imported for personal use. Import duties on a few different items in Georgia are elaborated in the table below. 

For cars, machines, and household items, the import levy is set at a flat rate of 10%. Luxury items, such as jewelry, are subject to a higher rate of 20%. Food and oil are taxed at a rate of 5%, while heavy equipment is taxed at a rate of 15%. 

Toll exemptions 

 By removing the burden of taxation on certain imports, the state of Georgia is creating an environment that is conducive to business growth and investment. 

The import levy exemption applies to a variety of goods, including raw materials, apparatuses, and other things used in the production of goods. This exemption is a welcome relief for businesses operating in the state, as it will help them to remain competitive and profitable. Furthermore, the exemption will help to reduce the cost of goods for consumers, making them more affordable.