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The country, a country in Central Africa, maintains diplomatic relations with many countries around the world. The country has faced significant challenges related to political instability and human rights abuses, including allegations of torture, extrajudicial killings, and censorship of the media. These issues have led to criticism from some countries and human rights organizations. It has diplomatic relations with more than 100 countries in the world. They include Guyana, New Zealand, Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica,  Grenada,  Mexico, France, Panama, Australia, Ghana, Germany, Bolivia,  Turkey,  Spain,  Venezuela,  Dominican Republic,  Switzerland, Austria,  Serbia,  Nepal, Moldavia, Saudi Arabia, et cetera. 

If you are a diplomat or you are simply interested in knowing about the diplomatic relations of this nation. This article provides information on the foreign diplomatic relations of Chad and other bilateral relations. 

About the country

The nation is among the top exporters of oil, gold, and uranium in the entire world. In addition to this, it is involved in the exportation of crude petroleum, and the government is looking into ways to further implement plans that would boost the economy. Imports and exports of goods such as machinery, paint, and vehicles are part of the bilateral trade relationship between the country and the United States. The economy of the nation is a hybrid of public and private sectors, with both state-run and privately owned companies. Agriculture, mining, manufacturing, tourism, and the provision of financial and insurance services are the primary pillars around which the economy is built. The political climate, the economy, and the geography of the region all play a role in shaping Chad’s intricate network of diplomatic connections with countries all over the world. This country’s foreign policy is guided by its efforts to promote regional integration, peace, and prosperity, as well as economic progress and human rights.

Multilateral diplomatic relations

This nation is a member of the United Nations and participates actively in its programs and activities. It is also a member of the African Union, the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), and the Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD). This nation has close ties with other countries in the Central African region, such as Cameroon and the Central African Republic. The government has taken an active part in supporting regional peace and stability, contributing troops to peacekeeping missions in neighboring African countries such as Mali and Sudan.

Bilateral diplomatic relations of the country

The country has developed close economic ties with France, its former colonial power, which provides significant aid and support for the country’s development efforts. The country also has close ties with other European countries, such as Germany and Italy. The territory has developed closer ties with China in recent years, which has provided significant investment and aid to the country. The territory has also worked to develop economic ties with other countries in Asia, such as South Korea and Japan. The territory has had a tumultuous relationship with the US, which has supplied major military help to the country while simultaneously criticizing the state’s human rights record and political instability. The state has also had strained relations with neighboring Libya, which has been a source of instability in the region. It has faced significant challenges related to political instability and human rights abuses, including allegations of torture, extrajudicial killings, and censorship of the media. These issues have led to criticism from some countries and human rights organizations.

In summary, this country has a complex network of diplomatic relations with nations around the world, shaped by political, economic, and regional factors. This country’s foreign policy is guided by its desire to promote regional integration, peace, and development, as well as its efforts to address economic development and human rights challenges.