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The country is a British territory in the Caribbean and one of the Leeward Islands in the Lesser Antilles. bordered in the east by Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, the island nation comprises the main island of Anguilla, various smaller islands, and cays with no permanent residents. The capital city is The Valley. Having a population of around 15,753 persons, the nation is a self-governing territory part of the United Kingdom. The island runs a parliamentary representative democratic dependency with a Premier as the head of government. It also has a pluriform multi-party system. The United Nations includes the country on its list of non-self-governing territories. 

if you are interested in learning about diplomatic relations here, this article provides information on foreign diplomatic relations of Aguilla and other useful information.   

About the country 

When the British arrived on the island, it was a part of the colony of St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla but later gained a separate British dependency in 1980. The island shares borders with neighboring islands including Antigua and Barbuda and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Although it used to be a British colony, the nation gained a self-governing dependency on the United Kingdom. With a land mass of 91 km², this island is a bit larger than half of Liechtenstein or one-half that of Washington, DC. The spoken language of the people is English. The country is a part of the Caribbean Community and Common Market (Caricom), Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol), Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), Universal Postal Union (UPU) and World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU). 

Body in charge of foreign relations and affairs 

The ministry of home affairs is charged with the implementation of foreign policies as well as safeguarding national interests when it comes to diplomatic affairs. Aside from this, it also renders consular support to residents and foreigners overseas through its missions outside the territory and worldwide consulates. The country has foreign diplomatic relations with some countries in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, et cetera. One of the missions of the ministry is to make sure precedence and accurate processes are abided by, following the national and international codes. It is tasked with promoting bilateral relations with other countries and looking for opportunities, which will greatly improve the development of the island country via several foreign partnerships.

Countries with diplomatic relations 

This country has bilateral relations with several countries in the world. They include New Zealand, Zambia, Barbados, Dominica, Saint Kitts, and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, and the Grenadines, Trinidad, and Tobago, United Kingdom, United States, Ghana, Fiji,  Canada,  France, Panama,  Australia, Uruguay,  Bolivia,  Turkey,  Spain,  Venezuela,  Dominican Republic,  Switzerland, Austria,  Serbia,  Rwanda,  Sierra Leone, Kenya, Moldovia, Saudi Arabia, et cetera. It has diplomatic relations with the Americas. Building a more developed, democratic, and safe nation helps the U.S. interests in the territory.  The United States and this nation work together to provide security at their borders as well as reduce crime rates in both nations.  With their mutual legal agreements with each other, the governments of the nation try to control the migration rate of emigrants into the US from the country. There are tons of trade and foreign investment opportunities in the Caribbean nation open to Australian companies, especially those in the agricultural, tourism, logistics, and industrial sector. The consulates in a few countries support the local and foreign exporters within the territory. The bilateral relations between other island nations and this country continue to grow with an increase in the establishment of more diplomatic relations. This has led to the enhancement of cooperation amongst the islands.