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The Northern Hemisphere’s North American landmass is nearly exclusively located on the Western Horizon. North America is divided into 23 nations. Each of these nations affects the diplomatic ties of this continent. Following is a description of the nations and their political connections:

United States of America 

Most countries have official ties with the United States. It has relations with South American, Asian, European, African, and Oceanian nations. 

Cold War tensions have an impact on American interactions with Europe. Numerous nations have adopted the EU since the fall of the Soviet Union, deepening their economic links with the West. The Greater Middle East is home to numerous significant allies for the United States.


Legislation supporting the creation of foreign representatives with foreign countries in Europe and America was enacted in 1831. 

Mexico has traditionally maintained its neutrality in foreign wars. The Secretary of Foreign Affairs currently has access to nearly 150 international representations, including 80 ambassadors, 68 consulate generals, and 8 special missions.


For its position in global politics and propensity to embrace collaborative solutions, Canada is seen as a medium power. Alliances and multilateral organizations are used to carry out Canadian foreign policy, which is predicated on maintaining international peace. 

Canada played a significant role in British military operations during wars as a result of its close ties to the British Empire. Since then, Canada has worked to promote multilateralism by attempting to settle international problems in conjunction with other countries.


Regional stability, as well as global growth and economic cooperation, are Guatemala’s main concerns. It has ties with 155 nations. 

Australia and Guatemala are WTO and UN participants. The ACS, OAS, CELAC, SICA, and other regional bodies all include Guatemala as a signatory. FTAs between Guatemala and Chile, Panama, and the Dominican Republic existed. 


The Association of American Nations also counts Haiti as one of its original members. 37 nations, predominantly in Europe and Latin America, are still in diplomatic contact with it. Instead of the People’s Republic of China, Haiti also has ties with Taiwan.

Dominican Republic

The United States and the other members of the Inter-American union are staunch allies of the Dominican Republic. It has authorized diplomatic offices in the majority of Western World nations and the major capitals of Europe. 


Cuba’s connections with Russia and the People’s Republic of China are expanding. Overall, Cuba still maintains diplomatic connections with 160 countries and has dispatched civilian aid workers, mostly in the medical field, to more than 20 countries.


The Honduran government maintains embassies in Mexico City, San Luis Potos, Tijuana, Tapachula, and Veracruz City, as well as offices in Saltillo, Acayucan, and Tenosique. Mexico has a diplomatic mission in San Pedro Sula and an office in Tegucigalpa.


Nicaragua has taken the initiative in pushing for the demilitarisation of the area and the peaceful resolution of conflicts amongst its member states. The US, Japan, India, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, and many other countries have connections with the country. The nation recently changed its position toward Taiwan to align itself with Beijing.

El Salvador 

El Salvador continues to retain diplomatic links with various countries, including Turkey, Japan, the United States, Australia, China, Switzerland, Qatar, Sri Lanka, and India.

Costa Rica

As a contributing part of the global society, Costa Rica stated its independence in 1983. Costa Rica has made an effort to establish real commercial relations with its neighbors in Central America. Since 1851, it has had an official relationship with the US. After nearly 60 years of foreign ties with Taiwan, Costa Rica restored political connections with China in June 2007.


The perspective on Panama’s international diplomacy is traditional, with a focus on alignment with the United States. Through international organizations, the U.s collaborates with the Panamanian authorities to promote financial, environmental, and cultural progress. It maintains ties with more than 150 nations.


Jamaica is a participant in the Association of American States, and the Un, and maintains diplomatic ties with numerous other countries. Jamaica actively participates in the Non-Aligned Revolution and the Commonwealth of Countries. 

Tobago and Trinidad 

The nation has ties with numerous other countries, including the United States, Australia, Nepal, Malawi, Paraguay, and Mexico.


The Bahamas and the UK have a close working alliance, and the Bahamas are recognized by a National Commission in London. The Bahamas maintain close ties with several other Caribbean Community countries. 


14 ambassadors, one consular, and three posts to foreign organizations are all still active in Belize. Belize joined the Commonwealth of States in 1981 and the Association of American States in 1990.


Following its declaration of independence, Barbados moved quickly to establish official diplomatic ties with its long-standing allies and significant trading partners. 

Saint Kucia

Presently, Serbia and Saint Kucia are working to strengthen their ties. The country has political agreements with numerous other countries.


Official relationships exist between Granada and Malta, the US, Armenia, Turkey, Serbia, Venezuela, China, Cuba, Brazil, and Canada, among others. 

Vincent and the Grenadines 

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines collaborates with international legislative and economic groups and upholds strong diplomatic links with the US, Canada, and the UK.


The United States and the other members of the Inter-American union are staunch allies of the Dominican Republic. It has established embassies in the majority of Western World nations and the major capitals of Europe. 

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