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Exporting goods from this country can be a great way to expand your business and reach new markets. It is known for exporting products such as copper, cobalt, and agricultural products, including coffee, tobacco, and cotton. There are three steps to the process of exportation namely; registration of export license or permit, preparation of required documents, and customs clearance. The first thing to do is to acquire an export license by applying for a permit to export your goods. An exporting company has to make sure its products meet the standards of the importing country and that of the country’s Ministry of Finance and Trade. The next step for exporters is to obtain the required documents from suppliers, which they will present to clearing agents for the final step; customs clearance. 

Steps to exporting out of the country

Below are some steps you can follow to export goods from Zambia:

Research the market

 Start by researching the market you want to export to. Identify the products that are in demand in that market and find out if there are any regulations or restrictions on importing goods from Zambia.

Choose your product

Once you have identified a market, choose the products you want to export. It is essential to ensure that the product meets the quality standards required by the target market.

Obtain necessary licenses and permits

Obtain all necessary licenses and permits required for exporting your chosen products. Contact the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) to find out the exact documentation required for the type of goods you want to export.

Find a buyer

Search for potential buyers in the target market. This can be done through online platforms or by attending trade fairs.

Secure payment

Ensure that you have a secure payment method in place before exporting your goods. You can use a letter of credit, advance payment, or open an account depending on your agreement with the buyer.

Arrange for logistics

Once you have secured a buyer and payment method, arrange for logistics to transport your goods from Zambia to the target market.

Prepare the goods

Ensure that the goods are packaged correctly and comply with any regulations set by the destination country.

Export the goods

Once all the necessary steps have been taken, you can export the goods to the target market.

The process of exportation

Exporting out of a country is easy aside from the ton of regulations and formalities to keep in mind, Export documents such as bills of lading and others are required to clear goods at the country’s ports by customs officers. These documents have to be provided by an exporter and they have to satisfy the customs formalities. This is why exporters must know the right documents to prepare beforehand. Provided there is no hitch with the goods and no requirement failed, customs will issue receipts to exporters after entering their details into the system. Exporting goods from this territory can be complex due to the disputed status of the territory. It is important to seek legal advice and work with a reliable partner to ensure that you comply with all legal and regulatory requirements. It is important to note that exporting goods from Zambia can be a complex process. It is advisable to seek the services of a freight forwarder or export agent who can help you navigate the process. Also, make sure to comply with all relevant laws and regulations to avoid any legal issues.

Required documents to submit

The documents needed for clearance when exporting depend on the kind of goods, trade agreements, and policies of exporting partners. They include the following: 

  • Customs entry document and bond
  • Legal undertaking
  • Export license
  • Purchase order
  • Certificate of origin and insurance
  • Bill of lading
  • Transit documents, et cetera.