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The export industry in Israel has grown exponentially in recent years, with exports reaching a record $95.5 billion in 2019. This figure represents an increase of more than 5% over the previous year and is indicative of the strength of the Israeli economy. Exports from Israel are also responsible for creating jobs and opportunities for the people of Israel, as well as providing a source of foreign currency for the country.

Exporting from Israel has many advantages, including access to a wide range of markets, a highly skilled and educated workforce, and a favorable tax environment. Additionally, Israel’s strategic location and strong diplomatic ties with other countries make it an attractive destination for foreign investors and businesses. Moreover, the country has a well-developed infrastructure and a highly developed legal and regulatory framework. All of these factors make Israel an attractive destination for businesses looking to export their items and services.

Essential procedures for exporting 

Here are the main steps for exporting goods from Israel:

Identify the items you want to ship

You must decide what goods you wish to sell worldwide before you begin exporting to other nations. You can select locally created or manufactured goods for this goal. Also, you can choose from items that are already being exported and are in high demand abroad. These things could be textiles, machinery, computer components, or oil products.

Determine the country of destination

The next thing you must do is choose the destination nation. While you are free to select multiple nations, it will be in your best interest to concentrate on just one at the commencement of your business venture. You must select the nations that have free trade agreements with Israel to receive tax benefits. After selecting the country, you should search for its importing laws and regulations. 

Obtain an export license 

You can obtain these licenses from the Israeli Ministry of Economy. The first step in obtaining a license in Israel is to fill out the appropriate form. This form will provide the necessary information about the goods that are to be shipped, as well as the destination country. Once the document has been submitted, the Authorities will review the application and provide the necessary authorization. 

This license will allow the company to legally export items from the country. It is important to note that the license must be renewed regularly to remain valid. 

Obtain a Certificate of Origin 

This certificate is a vital tool in the export process and is required by many countries when importing goods from Israel. To obtain a Certificate of Origin, you must first contact your local Chamber of Commerce. You will need to provide them with the necessary documents, such as invoices, bills of lading, and other relevant paperwork. Once the Chamber of Commerce has verified the documents, they will issue the Certificate of Origin. It is important to note that the Certificate of Origin is only valid for a certain period, so you must ensure that you renew it before it expires. 

Obtain an export declaration from the Customs Authority

Obtaining an export declaration from the Customs Authority is an essential step for any business wishing to export items from Israel. Businesses must submit an application to the Customs Authority, which will be inspected and authorized before the export statement is issued. The request form must include the necessary papers and documentation, such as the type of items being exported, the country of destination, and the value of the goods. Once the application is approved, the export declaration will be issued and the goods can be exported.

Choose a shipping company 

Once all conditions have been met, you must choose a cargo company that can deliver your goods to the buyer. Do your homework on a shipping company’s costs, delivery schedule, and damage rules before selecting one. 

You can begin packing all of the deliverable items once you’ve decided on a carrier. Customs must receive all the necessary documentation to approve your export operation. Before sending out your products, make sure you have received the advance payment or complete payment.

By following these procedures, you may make sure that your products are exported under Israel’s laws and the rules of the nation they are going to. By doing this, you may make the most of your company’s potential and seize the possibilities presented by the global economy.