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Madagascar is a country with a long and proud history of foreign diplomatic relations. Over the years, Madagascar has established strong ties with many countries around the world, including France, India, China, and the United States. These relationships have been beneficial to the country, providing Madagascar with a wide range of economic and political opportunities.

The government has been particularly successful in developing strong ties with France. This is due to the long-standing historical relationship between the two countries, as well as the fact that France is a major donor to the country. In addition, it has developed strong economic ties with India, China, and the United States. These republics have provided Madagascar with significant economic assistance and investment, helping to promote economic growth and development. These political alliances have been explained below.


Madagascar and France have a long history of cooperation, beginning with the signing of the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation in 1974. This agreement established a framework for the development of economic, political, and cultural ties between the two republics. Since then, France has provided the state with financial and technical assistance, helping to build infrastructure, promote economic development, and improve health and education services.

In recent years, the two countries have also been working together to address the challenges of climate change and environmental protection. In 2017, the two countries signed an agreement to promote renewable energy development and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This agreement is an important step in the fight against climate change and demonstrates the commitment of both countries to work together to protect the environment.


This partnership has been in place since the late 1990s and continues to be strengthened. The two nations have a strong economic relationship, with India providing Madagascar with various forms of aid and assistance. India is also the largest investor in the state, with investments in the energy, infrastructure, and tourism sectors. India has also provided Madagascar with technical assistance in areas such as agriculture, health, and education. 

The two countries have also signed several agreements to promote trade and investment. These agreements include the Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement, the Preferential Trade Agreement, and the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement. In addition, India and Madagascar signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the Promotion and Protection of Investment, which was signed in 2017. 


The diplomatic relations between Madagascar and China have been steadily growing over the years, and both countries have been eager to foster a mutually beneficial relationship. 

In recent years, the republic has been deepening its ties with China in several areas. The two countries have signed several agreements in areas such as trade, investment, and infrastructure. In addition, China has provided the state with financial assistance to help the country develop its economy and improve its infrastructure. Altogether, the diplomatic relations between these two have been positive and beneficial for both countries

United States

The two countries have enjoyed a strong and mutually beneficial relationship since the United States established diplomatic relations with Madagascar in 1960. 

The nations have worked together to promote democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. The United States has provided assistance to Madagascar to help strengthen its democratic institutions, promote economic growth, and improve the lives of its citizens. The United States is also a major donor in the fight against HIV/AIDS and has assisted to help the country address its environmental challenges.


For many years, there has been a productive foreign partnership between Germany and Madagascar. The two nations have a long history of collaboration in a variety of fields, including security, trade, and economic growth. In the form of grants, loans, and technical guidance, Germany has offered it financial and technical support. This has aided the realm’s infrastructure development and economic growth. German aid has also been given to the country in the fields of ecology, health, and education.

Also, the two nations have collaborated to advance regional security and peace. As part of its aid to Madagascar, Germany has participated in diplomatic discussions and peacekeeping operations. This has made it possible for the state to establish solid ties with its neighbors and strive toward a future that is peaceful and prosperous.