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This country is a member of the United Nations, the African Union, and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD). It has always been an active participant in the ongoing efforts to ensure peace and bring stability to the Horn of  Africa. It also played a vital part in mediating conflicts between South Sudan and Somalia. It also contributed greatly to international peacekeeping efforts and has provided troops to missions carried out by United Nations and African Union in the region. It has fostered diplomatic relations with lots of countries in the world. They include India, New Zealand, Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Togo, Eritrea, Italy, Mexico, Russia, Colombia, Turkey,  Spain, Vietnam, Dominican Republic,  Switzerland, Austria,  Serbia,  Nepal, Moldavia, Saudi Arabia, et cetera. 

If you are a diplomat or you are simply interested in knowing about the diplomatic relations of this country. This article provides information on the foreign diplomatic relations of Ethiopia and other bilateral relations. 

About the country

The country exports numerous consumer products to various countries outside Africa. Its government is consistently looking for means to grow its economy. The import and export of agricultural products, cotton, coffee, machinery, gasoline, and other goods are included in the scope of trade that takes place inside the territory. The government of this nation is working hard to achieve its goal of a mixed economy, which will include both privately owned and state-controlled companies operating within the territory. Industry, agriculture, construction, tourism, financial institutions, and insurance services are the primary contributors to revenue, as well as some of the most important economic sectors. Depending on political and economic considerations, as well as characteristics specific to the region, the territory has helped to create multiple networks of bilateral diplomatic relations with some countries located all over the world. Aside from its diplomatic links, it has built profitable ties with China, leading to investments in the territory’s infrastructure and development projects here. This is in addition to the relationships it has with other countries. The country has maintained fruitful links with South Korea in addition to other Asian countries, and it has established partnerships with France and Italy.

Multilateral diplomatic relations

The country founded the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and the Group of 24 (G24), which represents poor countries at the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. It has formed diplomatic relations with a lot of countries in the world, including boundary countries in the Horn of Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas, and the Middle East. The nation has always had a substantial part in diplomacy in Africa. It is also a strong advocate for regional integration and cooperation. Due to its close ties with China, the country has received many investments in the country’s infrastructure and development projects. Aside from China, it also keeps solid relationships with other Asian countries such as Japan and South Korea and has formed partnerships with Germany and Italy in Europe.

Bilateral diplomatic relations of the country

Over the years, this country has been greatly involved in the efforts to bring peace and stability to the Horn of Africa. As well as, play a vital role in resolving conflicts in South Sudan and Somalia. It is a strong contributor to international peacekeeping efforts and has even offered troops to United Nations and African Union missions in dozens of nations. However, it has received criticism from a few human rights groups for how ethnic minorities and political opposition are treated. In addition, it has been the subject of international scrutiny for its conflict in Tigray. Sadly, its reputation among foreign countries has been affected by these issues, which may also adversely affect future diplomatic relations here.