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Also known as Ivory Coast, the country is a member of the United Nations, the African Union, and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). It is also a member of the African Development Bank, the World Trade Organization, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. The nation has taken part in regional efforts to fight against terrorism and crimes in the region. As well as worked closely with surrounding countries in ECOWAS to bring peace and stability to the region. The country has bilateral diplomatic relations with several countries in the world. These may include New Zealand, Bahamas, Barbados, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Grenada,  Mexico, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Egypt, Japan, Austria,  Serbia,  Nepal, Moldavia, Saudi Arabia, et cetera. The administration continues to maintain strong ties with France, the country that was formerly responsible for colonial rule, as well as an economic and cultural partnership.

 In addition to this, it maintains strong links with other countries in Europe and has formed partnerships with countries in Asia.

About the country

The country is a large exporter of cocoa in the region. Its government continues to implement policies to promote and grow its economy. The nation engages in international commerce with other nations, which involves the buying and selling of goods such as petroleum, cocoa, coffee, and various types of textiles, among other things. The nation is run on a mixed economy, with both private and public companies in operation throughout the territory. Agriculture, mining, manufacturing, tourism, and the provision of financial and insurance services are the primary contributors to this country’s economy. With its economy, politics, and geographic location, the territory has developed a robust network of diplomatic contacts with a great number of countries all over the world. Throughout the years, it has been a prominent participant in international efforts to address global concerns and has been a staunch promoter of African development. The country has been of tremendous assistance in regional efforts to combat terrorism and crime, while also working closely with its fellow member states in ECOWAS to strengthen regional peace and stability.

Multilateral diplomatic relations

This nation keeps up its diplomatic ties with a significant number of states all over the world, including its neighboring states in West Africa, Europe, the Americas, Asia, and the Middle East. Moreover, it has developed diplomatic connections with some countries in the Pacific region, including Australia and New Zealand. Over many years, it has placed a major emphasis on bolstering its economic and political links with other African countries and has been a staunch supporter of the integration and cooperation of the continent. In addition to this, it has been a significant player in the advancement of democracy and sound governance throughout Western Africa, and it has been the site of some international conferences and summits.

Bilateral diplomatic relations of the country

France is a country that has strong relationships with this country, and these ties have resulted in a partnership that is both substantial and profitable for both countries. In addition, it has robust links with other European countries such as Russia and Italy, and it has formed partnerships with both China and Japan. It has been an active participant in international efforts to solve global concerns such as widespread poverty and has been a strong advocate for development in the region. It maintains its position as one of the most important players in the region’s ongoing efforts to combat terrorism and criminal activity. In addition, they should work together with the countries that make up ECOWAS to foster peace and stability throughout the region.