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The country is a member of the United Nations, the African Union, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. It has traditionally been an active participant in regional and international diplomacy and has played an important role in promoting peace and stability in West Africa. It has diplomatic relations with more than 100 countries in the world. They include Guyana, New Zealand, Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica,  Grenada,  Mexico, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Nigeria, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad, and Tobago, Somalia, United Kingdom, et cetera. It has close ties with France, its former colonial power, and the two countries have a significant economic and cultural relationship. It also maintains strong relationships with other European countries, such as Germany and Italy, and has established partnerships with countries in Asia, such as China and Japan.

This article offers details on Burkina Faso’s bilateral relations and foreign diplomatic relations whether you are a diplomat or simply curious about the diplomatic connections of this nation.

About the country

The country is one of the largest exporters of gold and cotton in the world. It also exports refined petroleum, with its government looking for ways to further implement plans that will boast the economy. Gold, cotton, zinc, and other goods are traded with the PRC. State-owned and private firms coexist throughout the country. The main sectors of the economies are agriculture, mining, manufacturing, tourism, and financial and insurance services. In addition to its diplomatic contacts, Burkina Faso has actively participated in global programs. Gold and cotton are two of the most important exports for this nation, which ranks among the world’s top exporters of both. Furthermore, it is involved in the export of refined petroleum, and the country’s government is looking for ways to further adopt programs that would strengthen the economy. Gold, cotton, zinc, and other commodities are among those purchased and sold as part of bilateral trade between this country and the People’s Republic of China. The economy of the nation is a hybrid of public and private sectors, with both state-run and privately owned companies. Agriculture, mining, manufacturing, tourism, and the provision of financial and insurance services are the primary pillars around which the economy is built. Burkina Faso has been an active participant in global programs to battle climate change, poverty, and hunger, as well as to promote sustainable development. This is in addition to the country’s diplomatic contacts. The government has collaborated with its ECOWAS neighbors to foster regional peace and stability, tackle climate change, poverty, and hunger, and promote sustainable development. In addition, the nation has contributed significantly to regional initiatives to combat transnational crime and terrorism, working closely with its ECOWAS neighbors to advance peace and stability in the area. 

Multilateral diplomatic relations

The country maintains good relations with a large number of countries across the world, including those in West Africa, Europe, the Americas, Asia, and the Middle East. Moreover, diplomatic ties have been forged between this nation and many nations located in the Pacific, including Australia and New Zealand. In recent years, the nation has placed a primary emphasis on expanding its economic and political ties with other African countries. Moreover, in recent years, the nation has been a major supporter of regional integration and collaboration. The nation has also played a key role in advancing democracy and good governance in West Africa, and it has held multiple international conferences and summits focusing on these problems. These accomplishments have helped the nation earn international recognition. 

Bilateral diplomatic relations of the country

The country maintains strong ties with France, despite France having formerly held the position of colonial power over it, and the two nations have a considerable economic and cultural relationship. The territory also has formed links with countries in Asia, such as China and Japan, and maintains strong relationships with other European countries, such as Germany and Italy. In addition, the territory has strong relationships with other countries in the Americas. The territory has been a strong champion for sustainable development and has been an active player in international initiatives to solve global concerns such as climate change, poverty, and hunger. The territory has also worked with ECOWAS neighbors to combat terrorism and transnational crime and maintain regional peace and stability.